
Why autonomous coding is having a moment in healthcare – Exclusive Survey Report

Are you ready to revolutionize your healthcare revenue cycle operations? Unlock the secrets behind the surge of Autonomous Coding with our exclusive survey report: "Why Autonomous Coding is Having a Moment in Healthcare."

In partnership with the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA), AGS Health conducted a survey among 450+ healthcare finance professionals during the 2023 HFMA Annual Conference. Our goal? To shed light on the transformative potential of Autonomous Coding in healthcare revenue cycle management.

Autonomous coding is highly trusted by the HIM and RCM professionals who use or plan to use the technology. About 45% of them have indicated that it often works well, while 16% place complete trust in it. Despite its ability to streamline and improve manual coding processes, autonomous coding suffers from an awareness problem. More than half (52%) of the professionals surveyed said they do not know what autonomous coding is.

The benefits of autonomous coding for the revenue cycle are numerous.

  • Eliminates the potential for human-introduced errors that result in missing reimbursement opportunities, backlogs, delays, and claims errors.
  • Elevates coders by transitioning them into the role of auditor.
  • Understands what it does not know — and flags those charts for human review.
  • Completes charts in seconds and the full process in minutes.
  • Pushes accuracy levels to near-perfect percentages.

Download the report now to learn more and help your healthcare organization achieve more accurate reimbursements.

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Reports – Why autonomous coding is having a moment in healthcare

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