
What You Need to Know About OIG Audits

Understanding the Office of Inspector General's (OIG) focus areas for its enforcement efforts will assist you with tailoring your compliance program efforts pertaining to education and internal auditing to ensure your practice does not become a post payment statistic. Additionally, it will assist with structuring internal audit programs so you can find, correct, and, where necessary, disclose errors in advance of any OIG or Integrity Contractor inquiry.

In this Ebook you will learn the new, updated and ongoing target areas applicable to Medicare Part A and B that have been selected for elevated enforcement for 2022. New target areas will be specifically discussed and where appropriate, you will be provided with recommendations for assessing and reducing post-payment risk associated with OIG target areas.

What's Inside?

  • OIG Audits: What to Know
  • Documentation Audits
  • Transfer MS-DRG Audits
  • Facet Joint Injections
  • OIG Best Practices and Audits on the Horizon

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eBook – What You Need to Know About OIG Audits

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