
The Essential Guide to Buying Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI) Software

This guide provides a data-driven approach when selecting CDI software for your Health Information Management (HIM) and CDI departments.

Find the best advice for selecting the CDI software for your hospital. Industry reports confirm the pressing need for Clinical Documentation Improvement initiatives. Unfortunately, these initiatives are challenging, and become risky without suitable CDI technology; as per Clinical Documentation experts, “The decision can drown your investment.”

Explore the biggest risks and challenges that hospitals face in selecting the CDI software, and learn how to overcome them.

What's Inside?

  • What is Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI)?
  • What is Manual CDI Program?
  • Need for AI-driven CDI software
  • Trending functionality of AI-driven CDI
  • How to determine it's time for AI driven CDI Software?
  • Steps to follow in the buying process of CDI software
  • Vendor Evaluation Worksheet

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eBook – The Essential Guide to Buying Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI) Software

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