
2022 Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Code Set Highlights

The 2022 Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code set from the American Medical Association (AMA) effective from January 1, 2022 ushered in 405 changes of varying significance. Among these are 249 additions, 63 deletions, and 93 revisions.

For coding professionals to perform their jobs accurately and effectively, keeping up with the numerous coding changes issued each year by the AMA is simply not optional – regardless of how difficult it can be in some cases.

Download this guide now to get a holistic view of all the recent changes, while also underscoring some of the most impactful and notable updates.

What's Inside?

  • Notable Changes
  • E&M Section Updates
  • Surgery Section Revisions
  • Anesthesia, Pathology & Laboratory and Medicine Section Updates.
  • Medicine Section Revisions
  • Category III Changes
  • How AGS Health can help implement these change effectively and efficiently.

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eBook – 2022 Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Code Set Highlights

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